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We would like to provide you answers.

1. What is a gourmet chocolate?

Gourmet chocolate or commonly known as artisan chocolate is made from high quality couverture chocolate hand crafted in small batches. The difference between gourmet and commercially available chocolate is its content. Most of the commercially available chocolates has preservatives and emulsifiers added to them, they also add vegetable oil as an alternative to cocoa butter to make it less expensive. It explains why gourmet chocolates are smoother, melts easily, more flavorful and a little bit more expensive than mass produced chocolates.


Gourmet chocolates comes in different flavors. the shell can be dark, milk or white chocolate. The filling inside can include coulis or jelly that brings different texture and flavor. The soft filling inside is most of the time a chocolate ganache infused with flavors. It can also have nuts, pralines, or crunch filling.


2. How do I store my chocolate?

Store your chocolate in a dry, cool place, inside a tight container. Keep it away from moisture and sunlight and make sure your room temperature is between 11 to 20 degree Celsius. Ideally, chocolate aren't supposed to be refrigerated because it can cause condensation and will expose it to moisture. But if your room temperature is higher than 20 degree Celsius, better to store them inside the refrigerator, on the warmest part which is the vegetable compartment. Condensation will cause sugar bloom, they are dull blotches around the chocolate. Don't worry, sugar bloom does not affect the flavor of your chocolates, just the appearance. Do not leave your chocolate in a warm place for more than 30 minutes, or it will all be soft and melted.


3. How long can I keep the chocolate?

It is always best to consume the chocolate right away. But chocolates freshness does not fade away that fast. You can store the chocolates for about 2 to 3 weeks keeping the same texture and flavor. 


4. How do you do your delivery?

Because customers may have different experiences from different courier, we want to be flexible as much as possible and by providing several options for the courier.

Please refer to the delivery tab.


7. Are the chocolates always available?

For maximized shelf life and better freshness, we do not make chocolates in advance, they are mostly made to order. It normally takes 2 to 3 days to make the chocolate. Making an order at least a week prior the time you need the product will be better. But here in Prabonache, we can find a way to meet your need, so if it is a rush, let us know and we will see what we can do to help you.


That being said, it can be confusing with the same day delivery option. Note that the same day delivery only refer to how fast the courier can deliver your product upon pick up from our location. With regular delivery, most of the courier will keep your product in their warehouse for couple of days before sending it out to their destination.


8. What is special with Belgian chocolate?

Many people would think that Belgian chocolate is from a cacao beans grown and harvested in Belgium, but the truth is, cacao trees does not grow in Europe. They only grow in hot and humid environment, like Africa, Mexico and of course Philippines. Originally, Belgian chocolate beans are sourced from africa, but now a days, they source it from different countries that can produce quality cacao beans.


So what makes Belgian chocolate, the "special belgian chocolates"? It is the process the cacao beans are going thru before it become chocolate. They have been making chocolate for centuries and have already mastered the best way of producing high quality end product. They strictly follow guidelines for making chocolate under " Belgian Chocolate Code" that requires refining, mixing and concheing done inside Belgium.


9. What does Prabonache mean?


Prabonache pronounced as [prah-bon-nahsh] is a name derived from the words Praline, Bonbon and Ganache which are all chocolate confectionery products. 

Praline in belgium is a piece of chocolate with thin outer layer shell and filled with soft chocolate filling that sometimes also includes, jelly, coulis, nut paste, and milk based filling.

Bonbon is actually interchangeable with praline. Bonbon is a candy coated in chocolate, the name bon bons stems from the French word "bon", which means "good.  Put a "bon" and a "bon" together and you've got something doubly good - a goody goody.

Ganache is a glazeicing, sauce, or filling for pastries made from chocolate and cream.





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